Sunday, December 29, 2013

Fans of all Things

 Have you ever wanted to be able to share the experiences of the characters in your favorite book, anime or TV show? I know I have. Especially when it comes to Sword Art Online. Just the whole idea of being able to feel like you were the actual character in an MMORPG...that would make me soooo happy! And in books I'm sure most of us have imagined ourselves in the universes we've come to know and love. Anyone who's felt this knows exactly what I mean, and if you haven't you will someday I assure you. Anyone who has felt this feel free to post what your favorite either book, anime, TV show or movie is that you would love to be a part of.

Friday, September 6, 2013

I Dislike My Job -_-

I really wish my manager would schedule me in the mornings. When he doesn't it stops me from having fun! Like today I wanted to go to a football game where I went to high school but no...I'm stuck closing and wont even be out till like 9:00. Well that's my rant for the day. Later!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Movie and Anime Suggestions Anyone?

If anyone knows of any good anime or movies let me know! Also any links to AMV's are appreciated! :D

New to the Blogging World!

Alright so this is completely new to me but I'm gonna give it a shot! Hello world! So as it says in my description this is a blog about my life and the things that make it up. First off a little about me...I'm crazy about anime; all kinds it really doesn't matter. I love action, comedy, even the creepy stuff. My current favorite is Sword Art Online and according to my girlfriend I'm a "fan-boy", but I care not!

Another thing about myself is the relationship with the most AMAZING girl I've EVER known. I've been with her for almost two years now and though we've had our up and downs I know she's the one I want to be with for the rest of my life. She puts up with my awkwardness and loves to have fun. Thanks to her I no longer fear roller coasters and have gained a bunch of close friends.

Now back to the entertainment side. Along with anime I am a huge movie fan! My favorites are actually entire series. The Lord of the Rings and Pirates of the Caribbean series are at the very top of my list. After those come the Harry Potter series.

That's just a quick overview of myself but if you have any questions feel free to ask me.